Thursday, January 29, 2009

Misra, D. C. (2009): Ten Emerging Challenges in E-governance Curriculum

This is a presentation made on Ten Emerging Challenges in E-governance Curriculum, in an international symposium on Distance Learning as an E-infrastructures Application: Innovation and Future Trends organized by European Commission under joint BELIEF, 6 CHOICE projects in New Delhi, India, January 29, 2009,

Dr D.C.Misra

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Misra,D.C.(2009): E-governance in ICT Innovations

This is a presentation on E-governance in ICT Innovations I made in India R&D 2009 in its session on Ecosystem in ICT Innovations organised by Department of Science and Technology, Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and European Union in New Delhi on January 23, 2009.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Carol Bartz, new CEO of Yahoo. What an inspiring story?

This one-page write-up on Carol Bartz, the new CEO of YahooI makes a very inspiring story. Do read it whenever you get time.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

E-government Trails Telephone and Personal Visits in Bangalore, India's Information Capital, Shows a Recent Study

If you thought all was well with e-government in India’s so-called information capital, Bangalore (now Bengaluru), Karnataka, you are mistaken. A recent study of e-government in Bangalore by Raman (2008)* in 75 of the 100 wards (n= 993) has indicated that though 33% of the participants used computers and internet, only 6.9% used e-government services. Most of those who used government websites used it to look up contact information (81%). Majority of the users (87%) said they did not feel they got any additional information or benefit from using the website. On a scale of 1 (least) to 5 (most), users rated e-government website content on relevance, usefulness, reliability, and up-to-date nature of information at mean scores below 3. There was no statistically significant difference between computer users and nonusers in local government participation. Data revealed that though young, well educated individuals from middle or higher income groups are interested in using new information technology, they rank using e-government services as their third priority after telephone and personal visits to get information about local government. Thank you, Veena, for your study. Check her paper at

Dr D.C.Misra
January 15, 2009
* Raman, Veena (2008): Interactive citizen-government relations? A survey of e-government in India’s information capital, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the NCA 93rd Annual Convention, TBA, Chicago, IL, November 15, 2007, Published: December 11, 2008, (accessed: January 15, 2009)

Thursday, January 08, 2009

10 Best Jobs in America

The Web never ceases to surprise me. Here comes a list of 10 Best Jobs in America (and there is a list of 10 Worst jobs too!)published by Tony Lee on his site based on ranking of 200 jobs:

1. Mathematician
(Applies mathematical theories and formulas to teach or solve problems in a business, educational, or industrial climate).

2. Actuary
(Interprets statistics to determine probabilities of accidents, sickness, and death, and loss of property from theft and natural disasters).

3. Statistician
(Tabulates, analyzes, and interprets the numeric results of experiments and surveys).

4. Biologist
(Studies the relationship of plants and animals to their environment).

5. Software Engineer
(Researches, designs, develops and maintains software systems along with hardware development for medical, scientific, and industrial purposes).

6. Computer Systems Analyst
(Plans and develops computer systems for businesses and scientific institutions).

7. Historian
(Plans and develops computer systems for businesses and scientific institutions).

8. Sociologist
(Studies human behavior by examining the interaction of social groups and institutions).

9. Industrial Engineer
(Designs and develops manufactured products).

10. Accountant
(Prepares and analyzes financial reports to assist managers in business, industry and government).

Back in 1960s when I chose to study Mathematics and Statistics as subjects of study at the undergraduate level, I never thought that they would figure in top three jobs. What attracted me to mathematics was its rationality and thus its predictability and what attracted me to statistics was the brave attempt it made to reduce uncertainty to certainty via probability theories. The downside was that by the time I took my Master's in Statistics, I had forgotten all about language and writing simply meant writing in Greek alphabets! And there in lies the real appeal of Mathematics: Condensing a paragraph of material or a very powerful thought to just a few symbols!

Do you agree with the ranking? Or is there something amiss in it?