Thursday, April 22, 2010

My New Contributions

Misra, D.C. (2010a): Ten Guiding Principles for Management Consultants for E-government, Consulting Ahead, 4(1)70-79, January, The Journal of Consultancy Development Centre, New Delhi,

Misra, D.C. (2010b): What do the citizens want from e-governance? An Agenda for Action, Compendium, 13th National Conference on E-governance convened by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, Government of India, Jaipur, Rajasthan, February 18-19, pp 8-13,

Misra, D.C. (2010c): State of e-Governance: Need for Speed: E-governance, Social Networks and Public Policy, Compendium of Papers, pp 31-34, 22nd Skoch Summit, Writers and Thinkers Forum, March 17-18, New Delhi,

Misra, D.C. (2010d): Make M-government an Integral Part of E-government: An Agenda for Action, Compendium, pp 78-86, National Forum on Mobile Applications for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development, April 7-8, New Delhi,

Misra, D.C. (2010e): An E-governance Vision for India for 2020: Making India Internet Nation No.1 in the World, Paper contributed to 7th International Conference on e-Governance (ICEG), Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, April 22-24,

Dr D.C.Misra

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